
Dec 22, 20203 min

Merry, Merry & Happy, Happy!!!

Good Morning Everyone!

Just checking in with you to see how you're all holding up. Me?? I'm fine, which for those of you who are Inspector Gamache fans, know that "fine" takes on a descriptive acronym. No idea who Inspector Gamache is? Check out Louise Penny's wonderful mystery series that takes place just north of here in the Eastern Townships, you'll thank me later. It is one of the few series I will replace my knitting time with reading, it's that good! Recently, however, I've been feeling a little under the gun trying to get some last minute projects off the needles. I've entered the world of Hoopla, thanks to our wonderful little library, and can enjoy being read to while I knit away, win, win!! I know that the holidays can produce inordinate amounts of stress, I've fallen victim to this in the past, this year, not so much, feels pretty good.

I'm ususally not much of a planner, I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants and enjoy the ride as it unfolds. Sometimes it's a train wreck, but quite often I'm amazed by the number of times I stick the landing. With every curveball this year has tried throwing at me, I decided I didn't need any additional stress, the holidays are to be enjoyed. Admitedly, I've scaled things way back but sometimes less is more. I didn't get all of the Christmas decorations up in the house as in years past. Our Christmas Tree stood naked in the living room until Saturday. Addie and I spent the evening putting on lights, hanging some ornaments while listening to Vince Guaraldi. Like me, she prefers jazz over traditional Christmas music. We managed to get the mantle decorated using the same little angels that were used for my parent's Christmas time wedding in 1962. She still enjoys hearing stories about the pine boughs my Mimi insisted on using throughout the house, causing my Boppa's allergies to kick into high gear. The antique candy dishes filled to the rim with every single type of homemade fudge you can think of. What I miss the most are the gigantic Gingerbread men my Mimi would make for each of her grandkids, they had our names piped in icing. It was one of the few times I had something with my name on it spelled correctly. While most of our family holiday traditions are just a memory, we still keep them alive while creating new ones.

I hope that you all have a very peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. As we come to the end of this most unusal year, I want you to know just how much your continued support has meant to me. I wasn't thrilled with the thought of moving mybeautiful shop from Main Street, you've proved to me it was the best decision ever. I am finally feeling like myself again, the stress of that huge space was pretty much sucking the life out of me, so overwhelmed most days. Now I feel settled and productive, my focus is laser sharp and I approach each day as an opportunity not an obligation. Without you, none of this would be possible, THANK-YOU!!!!! In this next year my goal is to continue bringing in new product, expanding my website, and offering you the very best I can. I have no idea when our sense of normal will resume, but know that I am here for you and am ready for whatever comes our way, with needles in hand!!

The shop is open this week until Thursday, 10-5:00. I was planning on closing down December 25th-January 1, I usually do inventory and clean. Inventory is pretty much done now that I have my website, I need to keep things updated. That said, should you find yourself really needing to spend that gift certificate or you need a gadget or new project, please feel free to schedule an appointment and I'll do my best to meet you. By appointment, I mean, in advance lol...please don't call me when you're in the driveway. I don't plan on going anywhere, our Governor is asking us to be mindful and careful, I plan on knitting, eating Christmas cookies and running around with Bernie. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!! Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!

