Good Morning Everyone!
Bernie and I just back from our morning hike, rather brisk today. I will say this, mud season has temporarily been postponed, that's not such a bad thing. A few days ago I was about ankle deep in mud hiking in the rain, now, well, look outside, yay, snow, again... It's kind of derailed my plan of working on my Fleurine sweater, I mean what's the point? It doesn't feel like it's ever going to get warm, may as well finish up my Avena, there's clearly going to be plenty of time to wear it at the rate we're going. Kind of a Debbie Downer attitutde, I know, which for those of you who came to KAL on Saturday, you got to witness first hand.
I'll just apologize now, your fearless leader was just plain sick and miserable. I did dodge the COVID bullet, thankfully, but ended up with a nasty cold and sore throat coupled with my annual dose of Spring allergies, go team Katy!! Whine? OMG my performance was nothing short of pathetic, I should have brought along a 5 pound block of cheese. I'm usually the first to say, "suck it up buttercup" but my head was full of crap and my throat felt like sand paper and I just didn't feel like "doing." Being a lump on a log was asking too much, and I let everyone know what an effort it was to just show up. The commute just about killed me....I managed to make it through my day, barely, I actually fell asleep the last half hour in my rocking chair. I woke up right at 4:00 and decided I'd had enough, good thing it was time to close. You'll be happy to hear that I'm feeling much better, a few days wrapped up in a blanket, drinking tea and sucking on cough drops does wonders for the soul, knitting of course....
We did decide what the next KAL was going to be, drumroll....ANY SUMMER SWEATER BY BERROCO!!!!!! For me it was honestly a no brainer, this season's pattern support and yarns are stunning, you're going to have a difficult time picking out one, I'm up to three! I'm really excited that Paula is going to join me on the crazy quest of knitting a Fleurine, misery does love company! I think that the Agate is going to be another popular one, the Patti tank was getting some votes along with the Carden tank. Take a look at Berroco's website, there are lots of new patterns available in PDF form only, they aren't offered in booklets. I will be placing another order for more Meraki and Pima Soft booklets and filling in some holes of colors that have popular. I've already switched out many of my winter shop samples and replaced them with summer garments. It does seem a bit ridiculous with these balmy 20 degree days, but I know the switch will flip soon and I'll be wearing my new chartreuse green shorts, my gorgeous Agate tank knit in Meraki color Devotion, and my orange Frye Flip Flops, I CANNOT WAIT!!!!! Last summer I was all about my Carden tank top knit in that bright parrot colored Linello linen, which I loved to death. I'm super excited about my new tops and I think that today is the day that I cast on my Marsh tank with the Pima Soft in Pear. I'll wait for Paula to catch up so we can do our intarsia together, I'm that thoughtful...
We will be meeting tomorrow evening for Stitch and Bitch from 6-7:30, I hope you can join in the fun! Masks are optional for those that are vaccinated, and bring a chair just in case I run out. Make it a great day, and I'll see you soon!