Good Morning Everyone!
Nineteen days and counting, right? I wouldn't say I'm all set, but I'm not feeling the sense of angst that usually finds me this time of the year. I used to be a list maker and follower, a trait my daughter has taken to the next level (hers are epic, color coded and prioritized). In my later years, I've found them to be crippling, the exact opposite of what they used to do. The list in my head seems to be the one that has helped keep me sane. Let's face it, there's something to be said about a long daunting list of things that need to be completed. I really don't want a reminder, I've become quite complacent with what needs to get done, and should I forget something, it likely wasn't that important. Have I been burned? Yep, have I learned? Not really. In the back of my mind I can still see my mother, the QUEEN OF PROCRASTINATION, racing around until the 11th hour trying to get everything done. I seem to have fallen in between my Mimi's method of operation, everything was wrapped, baked and ready the weekend after Thanksgiving (which included 40lbs of homemade fudge and other Holiday treats) and my Mom. I will use every available minute right up until Christmas, but I will save the things for last that don't need my immediate attention and hope I don't forget something. The juggling act going on in my head is quite incredible, just how many balls can I have in the air? A LOT....
I finished my steeked Icelandic sweater, many of you have seen me wearing it both on Social Media and in person. I LOVE THAT SWEATER!!! There have been several comments regarding my color combination, some seemed to be surprised how well the colors go together. The orange was the one that really threw you for a loop, and interestingly was the color I was most confident with. I knew it was going to pop againt the teal perfectly and it did exactly what I wanted. I wasn't entirely sure about the light green and gold, and where I should assign each color, but from the compliments I've received, I think I did good. I still need to sew the ribbon on the inside, but that hot mess doesn't show at all, and has been assigned a low number on my mental list of things to do. How exciting, I have another lovely sweater to wear for the holidays!!!
As many of you know, I was asked to finish a sweater by a lovely older gentleman whose wife had passed away. Shirley was a ticket, I always enjoyed seeing her when she came over from Rousse's Point. Gordon would go take a seat in my knitting nook and patiently wait as she picked out yarn for her next sweater. Little did I know, one of the last projects she'd buy, I would be finishing. Factor in, Shirley only used patterns loosely and as a guide, she'd been knitting so long, she had a formula in her head. When Gordon showed up at my house with her unfinished sweater and NO PATTERN, I really wasn't sure if I could do it. Well, I did it!! I am still completely in awe of the fact that I managed to create sleeves that fit perfectly into that raglan opening, holy shit am I good lol. I am so happy with how it turned out, I'm kind of in shock about it. It's been soaking since last night, I'll be blocking it today and putting it in front of a fan to dry. I'm most excited that I found one of her "Handknit for you by Shirley" tags and will be sewing it into place. Gordon plans on giving it to his neice for Christmas, I'm so relieved I was able to finish it in plenty of time. I've knit tons of sweaters, but none have given me as much joy as this one. I know that Shirley was sitting on my shoulder the entire time, I can still hear her voice and see her smile. This one is for you Shirley.
With Shirley's sweater finished, I picked up my Emsworth vest last night!! I'm still trying to figure out exactly where I left off. Not that you should remember, but I'm working different rows of the chart for the front and back. I didn't end up on the correct row when I joined the front to the back, shocking I know. I decided it didn't matter because the sides were knit in stockinette and you'd never be able to tell that it was off a couple of rows. What's important is the chart flows and the design is correct which it is, it's just done my way. I wouldn't be having such a challenge if I had simply replaced the highlighter tape that doesn't want to stick to my pattern anymore, but no I didn't. So the one piece of tape has slipped off the row I was working on and now I need to figure out which row I'm on. The section that needs clarification is a series of repeating rows 6 and 7. It also would be less confusing if I could keep the front and back sections straight. I think I was working the "back" row on the front and vice versa, I have since put a pin on the front. Of course I was trying to figure this all out while paying a little too much attention to the Avalanche hockey game. My task today is to figure out where I left off, I've been going backwards a lot since I pulled her out of my project bag. I was also reminded that my sweet Bernie had decided to use one of my beautiful hanks of alpaca and silk as a toy to play "keep away" with. I will be needing to wind that sooner than later, my ball of yarn is getting small. If all else fails, I'll simply grab some of the Ultra Alpaca Chunky to cast on the Odilia and work on that until my mind recalibrates.
So depending on how today goes, I'll be working on one of these projects tomorrow evening during Stitch and Bitch from 6-7:30, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!