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Indian Summer...


Good Morning Everyone!

WOW, what a stretch of lovely weather we've had, pinch me. I can't believe I was outside on Sunday working in the yard wearing jeans and a t-shirt, short sleeved no less. I raked some leaves, cut back a couple of gardens AND PUT UP MY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! My neighbors were busy with Halloween decorations, not me, Christmas lights. I did decide that it would be a bit obnoxious to drag Frosty and the two soldiers out of the cellar just yet, it would be funny. I am openly irritated by people that have their Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving and only mildly annoyed by those that put them up the day after Thanksgiving. If you fall into either of those categories, you know how I feel. I'm usually the idiot on the coldest day freezing my fingers off, getting the stupid lights up, plugging them in only to discover half of them aren't working. I have no idea what prompted me to be proactive, my head is pretty hard, but my fingers are becoming more arthritic. Am I getting wiser? Yes, I even checked the strings of lights BEFORE putting them up. Dont' worry, I won't be turning them on until after Thanksgiving.

After all that hard work, I decided to spend a few hours on the porch, in my favorite chair, listening to The Seven Wives Of Evelyn Hugo and knit. It was just a perfect afternoon, no bugs, not too hot, and that view, what a charmed life. I finished my first sleeve and cast on the second, it's coming along nicely. The pattern omits a lot of detail, like how big the sweater is going to be. It gives finished bust measurements but that's it, which isn't a huge deal, but it's kind of nice to have some guidelines even if you end up ignoring them (me). There's no mention of sleeve length, overall length, or underarm to bottom ribbing, nothing. I don't know why this was bothering me so much because I always end up adjusting the length of everything anyway. As usual, I took matters into my hands and put the body of the sweater onto my nifty Purl Strings and slipped it on, it's perfect! Next the sleeve, perfect. I even went the extra step to measure my other Icelandic sweater to see how it compares, pure genius. How on earth did I get this smart? You guessed it, years of trial and error. I'm no longer nervous to steek it, but I'm already thinking ahead to finishing the steeked edge and adding the ribbing. This is going to truly test my finishing skills and hopefully not take away my last bit of sanity, stay tuned...

Speaking of sanity, I've had to put my cute little fingerless glove project in time out again. Aside from the fact that I've already knit a pair of them, they are giving me a run for my money, I keep screwing them up! At first I believed it was because I was trying to do them while Zooming without my glasses on. Yes, I was too lazy to go get my glasses and would rather suffer on #3 working with stranded mohair. I've already admitted to being stubborn which is a fine line with stupid, I know. But my second and third attempts have yielded the same results, seriously what is the matter with me? I only have 100 other patterns I could make, but since this one is giving me such a hard time, I need to show it who's boss. Did I mention I've made them before? Knitting truly keeps me humble until I conquer the quest, then the boasting begins, like I was always in complete control, yep that's called ego. In case you're wondering, the pattern is called Linda K's Yummy Mummy Mitts, it's free on Ravelry, I triple dog dare you.

The KAL gals met on Saturday, there were lots of gorgeous sweaters getting ready to go to the guillotine lol. What's interesting is how many different ways there are to create the steek, it was definitely a topic of discussion. Bottom line is, they will all work out just fine, the key will be to properly secure those stitches and carefully cut between the seams. I'm going to knit like a mad woman so that I can figure out the best way to finish off the edge before picking up the stitches for the bands. I will try to be an informative resource instead of my usual "fly by the seat of my pants" on this one. Plus, I'm really excited to start the color work around the yoke, it's going to be such a pretty sweater knit in colors I don't normally work with. I will gladly sacrifice my housecleaning schedule so that I can be in a position to help you with your project.

If you missed my video showing the Malabrigo box opening, don't worry, the colors are better in person, STOP ON BY!! Holy cow they just don't disappoint, I'm excited for you to see them. I'm also putting together more kits, Carrie has found some adorable patterns, these will make a great gift whether you give it "as is" or knit yourself, CHRISTMAS IS IN EXACTLY 2 MONTHS!!! There's your reality check lol. Let me know if you'd like to preorder an Advent Calendar Box, the deadline is November 8th.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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