Good Morning Everyone!
It's certainly felt like summer has been here for awhile, Vermont doesn't do 90 degrees in May or June, yet Mother Nature decided to catapult us straight from winter to summer. Spring was a mere blink of the eye with 40 degree temperature swings. Remember the 6 inches of snow April 22? I do...that said, our crazy weather has produced bumper crops of strawberries, holy cow! I went picking with Vickie yesterday morning at Hudak's and had 6lbs of the most delicious berries in about 20 minutes. My sense of the seasons has been a bit out of whack, the instantly warm weather made me think that I was somehow behind the 8 ball with my summer knitting. I couldn't get my Birkin off the needles fast enough, I was afraid it would turn too warm before I could wear it, luckily that didn't happen, such a pretty sweater.
I had no problem transitioning to linen and cotton yarns for my next 2 projects, and many of you joined in the fun. We are finishing up our current KAL, summer sweaters, I was able to crank out 2 tank tops! I'll be able to wear them all summer long, talk about perfect timing. I'm currently working on my Tegna, it has my full attention and is testing my fidelity. I'm past the lace work and have miles of knitting in the round to do. I will say this, it is the perfect project to work on while watching the Stanley Cup playoffs, GO HABS!!!!! I am extremely determined to have it completed before Wanda gets here for the Great Northern Yarn Haul, I have 17 days. She's quite confident I can do it and I do love a challenge, stay tuned.
Speaking of KAL, it has been decided that we will be starting Martha Wissing's stunning Schieffelin July 24th. I LOVE THIS SWEATER!!! I've never tried Mosaic knitting, I thought this would be a great opportunity to attempt a new technique. I've done plenty of colorwork and what really attracts me to this project is you don't have to carry the contrast color, EVER. The beautiful design is created by slipping stitches and working the opposite color every other row. Many of you are familiar with mosaic knitting, Sandy has already knit this project and has decided to make another one. The original sweater was knit using Berroco's Ultra Wool worsted, featuring a high contrast between the main and contrast colors. There are many combinations you can choose from, Berroco's Vintage and Malabrigo's Rios are also options. Susan decided to go with Rios for the main color and Sesame for the contrast, ooh, la, la it's going to be stunning! I have ordered 10 more bags of Rios, it should be here this week. I have a good selection of Vintage and Ultra Wool on hand, but can certainly special order if need be. Stop by to take a look at the colors, this is going to be a fun project!
Mark your calendars, the Great Northern Yarn Haul is starting soon! There are several new additions to this year's line up, I can't wait to go exploring. I'm certain Carrie has already mapped out her stratedgy, I have the final line up and will share it with you ASAP. The dates are July 9th-August 1st, I have ordered a limited amount of Yarn Haul bags, they will be available first come first served.
We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch at the shop, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!