Good Morning Everyone!
I rarely consider myself the recipient of perfect timing. Usually I fall somewhere between a day late and a dollar short and completely missing the boat, no gray area there. I'm likely jinxing myself by even having the audacity to believe I will have a brand new Spring sweater finished in time to wear for the heatwave heading our way. If the weather forecast doesn't completely screw me over, I'll be sporting my NEW SORBET top on Friday, it's supposed to hit 80 degrees! I am almost finished the right front and I can't wait for you to see it.
I'd been worried about matching the stripes at the top of the V-neck and wondering how it would turn out. I'm relieved I didn't invest too much energy obsessing about this because I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. I became almost giddy with excitement when I discovered another "chunk" of peachy-yellow buried in the ball of Paradise. I was Zooming with Wanda and Kathleen, discussing my plan of attack for the last section. I'm not overly OCD about much of anything, but mismatched stripes are intolerable, I have my "seamstress" Mimi to thank for that (bit of a curse). It's one of those details you likely wouldn't notice in ready made garments, my Mimi did and pointed it out to me every single time she saw it. She deemed it poor quality and I've been permanently scarred, don't get me started on plaids...Anyways, I finished the left side and was quite pleased, it's mostly one color and fades into the next near the shoulder. The million dollar question, do I knit the other side with the remaining color or break into the next skein, find the same color sequence and go from there? It's worth mentioning that I'd be playing yarn chicken with the last part of the skein and it was in my least favorite color, baby blue. I kept trying to envision it with two different colored V-neck fronts. I decided to break into the third skein to finish it, I didn't want it to look like I'd run out of yarn. I'll have enough yarn leftover to knit a Sophie Scarf, it's going to be super cute!
So with another project nearing the end, not only will I be picking up my Drawing Sweater again, I'm going to cast on the Manarola by Caitlin Hunter and probably the Wrapid by Margaux Hufnagel. A few weeks ago I mentioned needing to knit a purple sweater, guess what? The main color of my Manarola is freaking purple!!! All this time I thought it was navy blue, I'm blind as a bat and only figured it out when I started winding the yarn. Upon mentioning my recent epiphany, the reaction was an unanimous, "I thought you knew" Seriously, you thought I intentionally picked out a purple sweater? Not only did I pick out a purple sweater, I was not going to leave the shop without it. I didn't even entertain looking at the zillion other color combinations available. I HAD TO HAVE THAT ONE!!! Thought you'd all get a good laugh from that, apparently I do like green eggs and ham...
A big shout out to the ladies who came last Saturday for the Yarn Tasting, we had such a great time! I was a little concerned that we'd be packed in like sardines, but there was plenty of room and a good time was had by all. I have a couple of kits leftover if you'd like to pick one up, they're $25. Local Yarn Shop day is fast approaching, mark your calendars for Saturday, April 29th. This is always a great day to come support your favorite little shop in St. Albans and I truly appreciate every single one of you the entire year, I hope you can come by. The shop is absolutely FULL of Spring/Summer yarns, if you haven't stopped by you need to. I mentioned casting on Wrapid by Margaux (Team Berroco) it's super cute! Gaia continues to be very popular, I received more booklets and bags of yarn last week. I also restocked Spree and added more Pima Soft colors. It takes very little time to knit up a tank top or summer tee, my Sorbet took less than 2 weeks to knit, Andra would have it done in 2 days, blah, blah, you, Andra.
We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!