Good Morning Everyone!
I'd like to think we've turned the corner, that Old Man Winter has finally made tracks out of here. The thermometer seems a bit reluctant to budge much, but at least the sun feels great when the wind isn't blowing. That said, I know these types of Spring days are perfect for wearing my lighter weight sweaters, namely my BIRKIN!! I tried it on as soon as I finished binding off the final sleeve, such a feeling of accomplishment. I'll admit, I've been praying to the blocking goddess, the yoke felt a bit taut across my shoulders, UGH!!!! I did let her soak an extra long time hoping those stitches would relax enough to allow me to pull her gently into shape. She's still rolled up in a towel. I'll be putting her on my blocking mats, in the sun to dry as soon as I finish this. I love my new labels by Firefly and Fern, Laurie brought me enough to add to all of my latest knits. I rarely put a label on anything I keep for myself, but these are super cute, and the perfect way to proudly display, "MADE BY KATY".
So what's on the needles next? I'm working on my gauge swatch using Lang's Linello so I can start our next KAL. After hearing from many of you, I felt it was safe to say that the majority of you would like to knit a summer sweater. In fact, many of you have already started said sweater which isn't a problem at all. This time you have a choice of yarns and patterns, the two more popular choices have been the Phillipa using Zinnia and the Etta using Summer Sesame. I'm still trying to decide which tank to knit, it's a toss up between the Carden and Malaga, decisions, decisions....
That said, you can also use Remix Light, the Derecho is an absolute favorite of mine. I have the Juniper top in the shop if you want something with a pretty lace detail down the sleeve. Cambria has some lovely pattern support, the Rhys cardigan continues to be one of my favorite "go to" sweaters. Let me know if you need some help picking out your next project, we will continue to meet via Zoom for KAL until the weather gets warmer. Then we will be meeting at the shop, stay tuned, if it looks to be promising April 24th, we'll plan to be outside.
I had a Zoom meeting last Friday with Andra and several LYS around New England. It's always interesting to hear from other parts of the country as we continue to navigate our way to the other side of this pandemic. The topic of mask wearing was one of the subjects of discussion and I found there were many different perspectives. Honestly, I feel very lucky that I don't seem to encounter any of the scenarios being described by my colleagues. I know that many of you have already been vaccinated and continue to be vigilant about wearing a mask while in the shop, THANK-YOU! I am going for my first dose today, I've never been more excited to get a shot in my life, well something that didn't involve tequilla lol...That said, I feel it's important to continue wearing a mask until further notice. Unfortunately the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting COVID, it just helps you fight it by building up some immunity. I will continue to listen to the Governor's recommendations, my goal is to keep you healthy and safe.
We will be meeting tomorrow evening via Zoom from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Let me know if you'd like me to send you the invite, the more the merrier. I am definitely looking forward to warmer evenings and longer days so we can resume meeting outside. Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!
