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Where's My Balloon?


Good Morning Everyone!

There seems to be less fodder for my newsletter when things are going well, lol...Finding humor in situations that seem dire apparently is my best line of defense in preserving my sanity. It's so much healthier for my state of mind to embrace my screw up with a positive attitude than to get completely pissed off. No, I haven't always been this level headed when faced with the task of ripping out an entire section of a sweater, or spotting that dropped stitch on the bobble of my Meissa sweater 8" ago (I'll fix it). Patience is not something I was born with AT ALL, thanks, Mom. But I do believe that patience has become one of my strongest virtues simply because I've screwed up so many times and finally learned, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!!

Aside from knitting, I believe my super human power is to fix mistakes. I was raised to believe, either sink or swim, not much gray area there, and slowly drowning was never an option. Believe me, I can still remember those early days when the task of fixing one little stitch meant pulling the entire thing out and starting over, I hear this a lot. Care to guess how many times my knitting was thrown across the room or shoved into a bag, never to be seen again? (hence the missing knitting needles) How could something that brings me so much joy, turn on me making me so miserable? Sounds like an old boyfriend...It was several years and countless mistakes before I realized that I wasn't allowing my mistakes to teach me anything, especially when I let my temper get the better of me. My Mimi tried telling me this for YEARS, but we all know you can only lead the stubborn mule to water. I'm delighted that my many temper tantrums and screw ups has helped me help you avoid pulling an entire sweater out. I love nothing more than to hear, "I'm not pulling this out. Can you fix it?" Gauntlet dropped, challenge accepted.

We are getting down to crunch time ladies, 26 days until Christmas and even less time if you need to ship things, just saying...I saw so many of you last Friday and Saturday picking up gifts and/or the yarn needed to whip up a quick present. I had a fantastic weekend, Small Business Saturday was BUSY!!! I ended my fabulous day by hanging out with Addie, watching Season 6 of The Crown, KNITTING! I did put my Meissa aside so I could work on a couple of gifts, in my mind there's still plenty of time, it's not December yet. What's that river in Egypt called??? I never practice what I preach when it comes to the holiday countdown, it's my responsibilty to make sure you all stay on track. Speaking of countdown, are you ready to start opening those Advent Boxes on FRIDAY?? Susan, is Christmas over?? I need to get Wanda's in the mail, guess I should do that today. So much to do, so little time....I'm glad I put my Christmas lights up last month, I'm feeling a bit pressed. I suppose it's time to get rid of the dead Mums and Petunias in the pots on my porch. Shall we talk about the weeping pumpkin? Wasn't it just Halloween?

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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