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Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Warm


Good Morning Everyone!

It's really beginning to feel more and more like winter, which shouldn't be too surprising for any of us. The transition is rarely graceful, a good 30 degree drop in the temperature is a rude awakening. My sweaters begin to emerge from hibernation and the shorts finally get put away. Last week was mild and warm, I was walking around in jeans and a tee-shirt embracing this last little gift from Mother Nature, seriously, 70 degrees in Vermont in November for 5 days, wow...But the rain started to fall and so did the temperature and today we have snow, which should make the hunters much happier. A big congratulations to Sandy for bagging her first deer, he was good looking, and the smile on your face just said it all.

This year has been one full of firsts for everyone, myself included. Things we've taken for granted have been deemed unsafe and unhealthy, thankfully knitting doesn't fall into that category. The Governor has released his latest guidelines on what we need to do to flatten the curve again, we kind of screwed up and he's not happy with us. It's easy to get lulled into a false sense of security living where we do, but the influx of travelers to our state, paired with unmasked social gatherings, have made our numbers inflate. That said, we will not be meeting for Stitch and Bitch on Wednesday evenings until further notice, I'm not happy about this either. I realize we've been diligent with wearing our masks and sitting 6' apart, I honestly feel we'd be fine, but I'd rather be safe. This of course means we will not be gathering for our KAL on Saturday which really bums me out. I wanted everyone to see our beautiful COVID memorial afghan that Sandy has been graciously assembling. I will post pictures, the last strip is getting dropped off today. I think we all need to do our part and follow the guidelines so when the depths of winter finally get here, and we really need an outlet, we will be able to get together.

The shop will remain open, don't worry, crowd control usually isn't a problem. I have been getting lots of new inventory which is exciting. I'm really pleased with the Soak Wash, I now have their Handmaid lotion and Flatter Spray. The Flatter Spray can be used for ironing (an ancient form of removing wrinkles) or to freshen your sweaters and masks in between laundering. I love this company, the products are eco-friendly, chemical free and it's run by a woman. I also finally ordered from Katrinkles, they have super cute custom made products such as stitch markers, buttons, needle gauges etc. Once again, woman owned and operated and so friendly, I met them a year ago at Vermont Sheep & Wool. If you haven't seen the kits from Cloverworks Farm, they would make such the perfect gift! Those snowmen mitten kits are about the cutest thing I've seen in awhile, my Mimi would have certainly made me a pair.

As you all know, I've changed the location of my newsletter, you now get directed to my website. I've been working extremely hard with Rachael learning how to get my shop online, it's mentally exhausting and freaks me out most of the time. All these steps and clicks and uploading and blah blah blah...I'm not a tech head at all, I knit. But I also realize I have lots of customers from out of state that cannot get to me and would really like to shop with me, that's a great feeling! SOOOO, after months of planning and agonizing, I finally have part of my inventory "live" and available to order. Currently it's all of my Berroco inventory, I still need to add my needles and notions, kits etc. The shipping has been a bit wonky as I discovered after receiving my first order all the way from Colorado!! So it's a work in progress, I'm getting the kinks out, please take a look and let me know what you think, I will only entertain compliments....

I'm cruising along with my Westland sweater, I divided the body and sleeves and now have 11" of knitting in the round to do, easy peasy and mindless. My Leni hat is also in the works, I'm still so in love with mohair, geeky I know, but it's so freaking soft. I was patting the arms of my Spencer so much I put it on a mannequin so I wouldn't rub the mohair off. I was getting ready to cast on my Birkin and do some more color work, but Andra decided to send me a delicious box of goodies to begin swatching for SPRING/SUMMER 2021!!! I'll be Zooming with her and some other shop owners on Thursday morning to immerse myself in the latest fibers from Berroco, Lang and Amano. Just you wait and see what I have!! I will have some swatches knit up for you by Thursday, Andra assigned homework, there's even reading involved.

Don't be a stranger, the shop is open and I'm here for you! If you feel more comfortable setting up an appointment please reach out to me, I'm usually around. Just ask Elaine who happened to walk in last Tuesday to find me unshowered and decked out in my John Deere hat, favorite flannel shirt and old jeans, oh well, I'm never bored thanks to all of you. Make it a great day and I hope to see you soon!


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Nov 17, 2020

Love your new format! Going to check out your website soon.....


Nov 17, 2020

Winter is coming! Rude but true. There's always mohair to keep us warmer. Yes, you have a wee bit of homework for the Spring 21 meeting on Thursday morning. I don't expect full hair and makeup on can wear your Deere hat & flannels! I'll be thrilled to see your smiling face!

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