Good Morning Everyone!
I'm experiencing a bit of writer's block this morning. No doubt due to the fact that Bernie and I decided not to take our daily hike at Hard'ack where my mind wakes up and my senses come alive. I didn't feel like getting completely soaked, perhaps I should have taken one for the team. I simply can't figure out how to get the creative juices flowing, I even did some knitting in an effort to find my groove. I'll just blame the rain, my mind is mush, I just want to sit, listen to it and drink coffee. The End, have a great day.... Just kidding, if I stopped now then I wouldn't be able to tell you what I've been up to this past week, people would suffer, MY PEOPLE!! God knows I always have something to say and rarely have trouble finding the words, so hopefully I won't disappoint you today.
World Wide Knit in Public Day was AWESOME!!! Thank-you to everyone that came out and sat in Taylor Park with me. We did seek shelter in the gazebo for just a bit as a dark little rain cloud decided to past by. The temperature was ideal for me to debut my Manarola Sweater, honestly, I would have worn it in 90 degree weather lol. Addie and I went to Red House Sweets and Catalyst Coffee before hitting the park. The Barista commented instantly on my pretty sweater and was even more impressed when I stated I'd knit it. The colors are stunning which is good reminder to all of you that stepping out of your comfort zone is extremely rewarding! I would have never picked out purple and hot pink, EVER! But boy that purple makes everything just pop so beautifully, especially the chartreuse green. I absolutely love my new sweater, if you haven't seen it yet, I posted it on Instagram and Facebook and it will likely be my "uniform" for the summer.
I've been asked to address my take on knitting with imperfections and I will say, my answer varies depending on who's asking me. It's a fine line to walk when trying to be helpful and encouraging, the last thing I ever want to do is burst someone's bubble. I will always be honest, let's just get that out of the way. But I also feel if you're newer to this whole knitting world, that one needs to be gentler on themselves and not expect perfection. I tell people all the time that I still learn something new with every single project I create. I started knitting 45 years ago, that's a scary @#$%&* number, YIKES!! Mistakes I could live with back then are completely intolerable now, a purl that should be a knit, a cable going the wrong way, things that glare at me now just didn't way back then. My eye wasn't as well trained to scan for what I did wrong, it was more pleased that the majority of it was right. You learn to accept your mistakes, and move on, that is an important lesson to embrace. I can guarantee that if you are giving something as a gift, the recipient is not going to look for OR find the mistake. IF, they do, tell them they are more than welcome to fix it. I'd bet a million dollars they don't possess the skill set. So Mary, as you continue to develop as a knitter (your are amazing) keep in mind that handmade is handmade, NO ONE IS PERFECT. There are many cultures that embrace the ideology of putting in an intentional mistake because we are afterall, human....
I am in the process of putting together the MOST AMAZING Advent Calendar bags!!! Carrie has lit the fire under my butt and there's no stopping me. If you would like to preorder one, please let me know they will be limited. We also have the Great Northern Yarn Haul starting next month, it runs from July 8-31st, my bags are ordered, I'm waiting for them to arrive. This year I will have a Christmas In July Theme going, NO GROANING!! It's a gentle reminder to start thinking about all the fabulous gifts you want to knit as Christmas Presents, you need to start now, not in November like me lol...I even brought over a cute little Christmas Tree I will be decorating for the Yarn Haul, this is going to be so much fun!!! FYI, 195 days until Christmas, YOU ARE WELCOME!! Feel free to check my math, we all know I can't count...
PSA, the shop will be closed this Friday, June 16th, I'm helping a friend decorate for a wedding. We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great, soggy day, I'll see you soon!