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Falling For Fall...


Good Morning Everyone!

I think it's fair to say that we are getting to enjoy an extended foliage experience. I love Fall, it's my favorite season and this one just keeps continuing to show off it's beauty. I've never seen the leaves change in so many stages, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Some of the trees dropped their leaves weeks ago, others are still full and green, many have exploded into full color. I guess this type of observation is due to the many walks Bernie and I go on several times a day. Despite the accumulation of leaves already on the ground, there are still too many hanging on to concern myself with the task of raking. You know what this means, more time to clean the house, NOT, KNITTING TIME!!!!

I'm trying to get my priorities straight, as we all know, seniority doesn't take precedence, meaning the yarn we've had the longest doesn't necessarily make it on the needles first. Am I right?? Often times it's that new little project that makes us say, "SQUIRREL" and go off in yet another direction, hence the creation of WIPS and UFOS, don't worry, you know you're in good company. I am no stranger to this overwhelming feeling of, "too much knitting and not enough time" it sounds more optimistic than "I'll die before I come close to knitting my stash." (Hello my name is Wanda, lol). I keep threatening her with stealing projects from her knitting mausoleum, knitting them and wearing them next time she visits. She makes it super easy too, she's completely organized, each project is stored neatly in a project bag complete with pattern, someday....

That said, I'm knitting away on my beautiful Emsworth vest and Marsali Cardigan, talk about extremes. I love both projects, each one gives me a different sense of joy and accomplishment. My Emsworth is dainty, I bought the yarn in Salida it is alpaca and silk, and just slips through my fingers. The pattern is a combination of YOs, SSKs, K2TOGs and S2KPs that creates a lovely lace panel that will adorn the front and back of the vest. My Marsali provides a great sense of instant gratification, the yarn is 100% bulky wool, I'm using size 11 needles. It grows quickly and keeps my interest with a lovely cable pattern up the fronts and back panel. I've been knitting several yoked colorwork sweaters that have endless rows of knitting in the round, these 2 projects are a much needed change of pace. Although, sitting in queue is a Sipila sweater Addie would like for Christmas, I can run but I can't hide....It will be the perfect project to knit just before I start my Foxthoughts sweater, stay tuned.

I need to apologize to a few of my newest KAL gals, I didn't do a very good job communicating our meeting schedule. I naturally assumed we all knew to meet the fourth Saturday of the month, except when there are exceptions. This month I made the executive decision to meet the Saturday before Thanksgiving, November 20th, unless the rest of you would like to weigh in, majority rules. If you'd prefer November 27th, let me know and we can meet then. I do list the date in the cover letter of my newsletter, and I will try to remember to announce the next date during KAL. We will be meeting tomorrow evening from 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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