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It's Almost Here...


Good Morning Everyone!

I am experiencing severe difficulty getting started,'s not that I don't have anything to say, I think I have too much running through my head, it's all jumbled. Perhaps, it's the overwhelming feeling of sheer joy that my most favoritest of seasons is showing signs of being here. Bernie and I are thoroughly enjoying the cool morning temperatures, 56 degrees, YES PLEASE!! The appearance of red maple leaves on the ground just makes me giddy. Simply because with Fall comes the beginning of the best weather EVER, SWEATER WEATHER, BOY AM I READY!!!

Carrie and I were super busy last week putting some fantastic kits together and making room for all of the new yarn that is coming in. I knew the Millstone Tweed would be a favorite, the pattern support is stunning which compliments the yarn perfectly. I am almost finished with my Windrock Sweater I head to sleeve island today. Do you know what this means?? I can cast on the Autumn Alpine very soon!!! I am so excited to knit with Junction Fiber Mills Making Tracks Light. I'm no stranger to their gorgeous yarn, I knit my Pressed Flowers Cardigan with the DK weight, it turned out beautifully. I'm so excited to see the color work in the yoke of the sweater develop against my dark eggplant (not purple) main color. My goal is to have both of these sweaters finished before we cast on the Fall KAL, Morning Rituals on September 28th. That gives me just over 6 weeks, plenty of time!!!

Speaking of Morning Rituals, guess what was delivered last Friday??? Two huge boxes of yarn from Julie Asselin!!!! I have several of the Boucle colors available for you to see along with loads of Fino and Leizu DK. I have not had the opportunity to go through what she sent, but my thought is you may be able to see a representation of your Boucle color in another one of her yarns. I am very excited for you to see and FEEL her yarn, it is just heavenly. I knit my Mabel Cardigan by Isabell Kraemer with her Fino, it's a merino, silk, cashmere blend. If you haven't seen Caitlin Hunter's latest pattern, Stromboli, Fino would be perfect, as would The Exotic by Woolerton Estate Yarns. If this isn't enough excitement, my order from MaddyTosh is almost ready to ship AND I have another delivery from Berroco scheduled for August 15th. I am getting all stocked, loaded and ready to go, stop by to see all of the GORGEOUS new inventory I've picked out for your next projects!!!

I can't say Thank-you enough to everyone who has supported the fundraiser for Martha's Kitchen and Tim's House. Your chickens are amazing and they look so damn cute in my shop, I don't want to give them away, don't worry, I will. The deadline to drop them off is August 22nd. You can bring them to me, to Arleigh Young at City Hall or Artists In Residence. I believe that the date for the Broodhaha is Friday, September 27th around 5:30. Anyone who has made a chicken(s) is encouraged to attend the event. Stay tuned, I'll fill you in with more details as I get them.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday, 6-7:30 for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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