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No Words, Well, Maybe A Few...


Good Morning Everyone

A rather somber feeling today. I've, of course, been watching the news in utter horror as our little state bears the brunt of this recent deluge of rainfall. The lead story on CBS Morning Show pictured the ongoing efforts being made to deal with this horrendous flood. My heart just breaks watching the widespread devastation of people's homes, businesses, and property literally getting swept away. Andra texted me yesterday concerned about Jen's shop in Waterbury and the road closures effecting the yarn haul. The news had the longest ticker posting all of the road closures, I didn't see anything for Waterbury, I hope Jen continues to stay dry and safe. Andra is on her way to Webs today, her route takes her down I-91 which follows the river, another area that has been put on high alert. I picked Addie up from the airport yesterday, the amount of water crashing over the dam on the Winooski river was unbelievable, it looked like a dwarfed Niagra Falls. On a much lesser scale, the trails at Hard'ack have been transformed into streams, I've never seen it so saturated in my life. I will say, it has created the most beautiful clusters of mushrooms. My hope is the water recedes quicker than it came and that those in need will receive it.

Because of all this rain, I've been mostly trapped inside, forced to knit. I know, I know, I know, poor me, the working conditions need to be reported, the boss lady should be put in her place. The hours she expects me to dedicate to HER business have gotten a little out of hand. She has no regard for my DAYS OFF, I do have a house to clean and gardens to maintain. Good thing I'm her girl Friday and am at her beck and call. She does provide me with the best supplies to create her shop samples and I can pick the color and make them to fit me. That said, I am trying desperately to keep ahead of Andra, again...this crazy competition I have in my head is creating a monster in me and an awful calloused finger. I've made incredible progress on my Avalon sweater, the second sleeve is more than halfway finished. When Andra cast hers on, I'd already knit the body, sleeve #1 and cast on sleeve #2, you'd think that would be enough of an advantage, right? HELL NO!! She's already half way up sleeve #1, am I a bit frantic? Slightly, stay tuned....

The Great Northern Yarn Haul started last Friday, I had some Haulers come visit, YAY!! Many were very appreciative of my efforts to remind them to start thinking about their holiday projects NOW!!! I was a bit disappointed that no one noticed I was playing Christmas music, I thought it would be so obvious, nope. It's not like I had Bing Crosby crooning White Christmas, it was mostly jazz renditions performed by my favorite Vince Guraldi Trio, but still, no one noticed lol. I did get a few more signed up for the Advent Calendar boxes, which if you haven't, you should! They are going to be filled with the most adorable prizes, I am so excited! I've already started working on and putting them together. Carrie and I are going on a little road trip to order the yarn and tour the studio where the yarn is dyed. Let me know if you'd like to reserve yours, you won't be disappointed. They are $160.50 which includes the tax, I am happy to ship as well.

We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, fot Stitch and Bitch. Unless it's raining, we will be OUTSIDE! I learned my lesson last week....I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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