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Old Dog, New Trick...


Good Morning Everyone!

I guess I'll start off by saying, "THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!" I had the KAL gals celebrating with treats, presents, balloons and lots of laughter, of which I was in desperate need of. Addie flew to England on Friday, arrived Saturday morning and it was a rough and stressful start to her adventure. We have successfully navigated all the hurdles, she is settled in, classes have started and she's made some new friends. I CAN BREATHE!!! We are wrapping up the Morning Rituals KAL, getting ready to start the Elise Pullover, YAY!! My Madelinetosh order is TAKING FOREVER!! Thank-you UPS for continuing to reschedule and reschedule and reschedule my shipment, WTF??? Seriously, it was supposed to be here on Saturday, then Monday, and with any luck at all, TODAY! I am just dying to get my new yarn and the DellaQ bags, this is just killing me!! I watched in complete dismay as Mike drove by my house twice without stopping, or even waving. TWICE, my hopes were dashed and my feelings kicked to the curb. YES, it was that bad...I ate chocolate and went upstairs, picked up my knitting and pouted. I know there are many of you just as eager to get your new yarn and swatch lol...

When I wasn't celebrating my wonderfulness, I was very much consumed with hockey, football, and of course, KNITTING!! The Avalanche beat the Rangers, I was disappointed Washington lost to Philly, and excited the Chiefs beat the Bills. It was the perfect distraction from the miles of "in the round knitting" I needed to complete on my Whitehorse sweater. I am officially on sleeve island, YAY!!! I did feel a little bit bad for Josh Allen, he is an amazing QB, but Patrick Mahomes is just so cute lol, yes that is the criteria, and he's just makes amazing plays. It was a great game, probably better than what the Super Bowl will be, which is just another opportunity to get more knitting done and keep my hands out of the snack bowl.

Now for the exciting part, I learned something new last night, so did Carrie! FISSION KNITTING!! I talked about Fusion Knitting almost a year ago, no one seemed very interested and I was a bit shocked. I shared links, nothing. I've been following @marywmartinknits on Instagram for awhile, she's brilliant and extremely nice. Carrie and I took a virtual class from her and learned the very basics of Fission Knitting. I'm still trying to get my head around how in the world she even thought to do this, seriously. Carrie has turned me into a "PLANNER" yanking me out of my procrastination mode, not entirely, but she gets me thinking ahead. It's hard not to when she says things like, "For the Spring Retreat, we need to X,Y,Z" I say, "Cheese and rice that's months away." Her reply, "It will be here before YOU know it." Fine, I acquiesce. So, as part of the curriculum for the retreat (May 17-18 mark your calendars) we will be teaching Fission Knitting. The clincher for me was, the hat pattern she created that says, FUCK CANCER, that won't be the project, don't worry, but if you know me, you know me...I will have my very ugly swatch with me at Stitch and Bitch so you can see my first attempt. Remember, we are in a no judgement zone.

If you ignored my request to look at Blue Sky Fiber's website please take a look and let me know if there's something you're interested in. I will be ordering their Organic Cotton in worsted weight, I knit my Bergman Sweater with it, LOVE IT!! They have beautiful pattern support, are a USA company based in Minnesota and are now owned by another one of your favorites, MALABRIGO. I will also be meeting with Whitney on either Thursday or Friday to look at Juniper Moon Farms, as per your request. They have a lovely yarn called Fairy Floss, Carrie ordered a skein, it is beautiful. I carried Juniper Moon years ago, I still have dreams about their lots of exciting new things are coming your way.

I always save the best for last, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANDRA!!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day, we are sending you lots of birthday love!!!

THE SHOP WILL BE CLOSED THIS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST. THE WINTER RETREAT IS THIS WEEKEND AT CARLA'S!!! We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


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