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Vermont Spring Is Manic...


Good Morning Everyone!

Snowfall and crocuses are definitely signs of Spring in Vermont. Every year when I notice the little buds trying to push their way through the semi frozen ground, I feel a sense of angst. I wish I could tell them they are jinxing everything by trying to show up. I say I'm not one for much superstition, but there's no way in hell the snowblower is getting put away and my snow boots will stay by the front door until June. It does not matter the snowblower has only been used once and my big clunky winter boots actually have dust on them. It is only the middle of March and we all know hell can break loose at any given time, if I'm ready I won't need it. Kind of like bringing your knitting to the doctor's office, you won't wait long if you have it.

Speaking of knitting, I've been absolutely dying to share this little story with you. Those of you closest to me know I hate doing housework. This does not mean that I live in a pigsty, it simply means I do not find it necessary that my environment pass the white glove test on a daily or even weekly basis. I do a lot of knitting, my job is extremely demanding, shop samples must be created and that burden falls on ME. I've always felt like I had to somehow justify the hours I spend knitting, that I'm putting off other responsibilities, like cleaning the house. I've even had people judge me because I don't work in an office staring at a computer screen all day. Somehow my "job" isn't stressful or important or even real, seriously?? Owning a business is extremely stressful. I'm so thankful, one of the benefits of mine, helps displace some of those overwhelming feelings.

I've read many articles supporting the benefits of knitting. Reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, prevents Alzheimer's, etc. these are important to me, I have a family history of all of this crap. I was discussing this with my friend, Kathleen, who is a nursing student and just the sweetest human being (I want her for a nurse if the need ever arises). We were talking about all the benefits of knitting, we had a lovely conversation. Unbeknownst to me, she actually cited me in her clinical journal in a section for nursing self care, "about knitting being good for mental health and protective against Alzheimer's disease." Her clinical instructor loved it! Kathleen also discovered "supporting data and a study that found knitting to be neuroprotective where as DOING CHORES actually increases your risk of neurodegenerative diseases." She went on to say, "So there is your official, clinically proven recommendation to do less chores and more knitting." Thank-you Kathleen!!! Quite honestly, I'll feel like I failed miserably as a human being if I'm known simply for having a clean house, duty calls, I'm grabbing my knitting needles....

We do have KAL this Saturday, March 23rd 9-11:00. I'm getting excited to see the progress on your Wisdom of the Moon Shawls. We need to discuss our next KAL for summer, last year we focused on finishing up WIPs. I would love to have a fun summer project to work on, we can pick our favorite summer sweater, it doesn't have to be the same one, think about it. I have some gorgeous NEW yarns in the shop that I know you will love! I also have been doing some research on yarns for the Morning Rituals sweater by Andrea Mowry. I took a look at the hundreds of projects and the yarns used, there's a HUGE variety. I don't think we're going to have any problem at all substituting the Wool Boucle she used, we've got some time to figure things out.

Please mark your calendars for a few important dates. The Woolerton Estates Yarn Trunk Show is Saturday, April 6th 10-4:00. I will also be featuring some special, limited edition items in celebration of the Total Solar Eclipse, Monday April 8th. Local Yarn Shop Day is Saturday April 27th, I have no idea what Carrie has planned lol. We are also getting the details finalized for the Knitting Retreat Weekend May 18th & 19th, stay tuned!! We will be meeting tomorrow evening, Wednesday 6-7:30, for Stitch and Bitch, I hope you can join in the fun. Make it a great day and I'll see you soon!


P.S. Hi Andra!!!

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